Trade Deficit With China

U.S.-China Trade Facts

U.S. goods and private services trade with China totaled $579 billion in 2012 (latest data available). Exports totaled $141 billion; Imports totaled $439 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $298 billion in 2012.

China is currently our 2nd largest goods trading partner with $562 billion in total (two ways) goods trade during 2013. Goods exports totaled $122 billion; Goods imports totaled $440 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with China was $318 billion in 2013.

Trade in private services with China (exports and imports) totaled $43 billion in 2012 (latest data available). Services exports were $30 billion; Services imports were $13 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with China was $17 billion in 2012.

China was the United States’ 3rd largest goods export market in 2013.

U.S. goods exports to China in 2013 were $122.1 billion, up 10.4% ($11.5 billion) from 2012, and up 330% from 2003.  It is up 536% since 2001 (when China entered the WTO).  U.S. exports to China accounted for 7.7% of overall U.S. exports in 2013.

The top export categories (2-digit HS) in 2013 were: Miscellaneous Grain, Seed, Fruit (soybeans) ($13.8 billion), Aircraft ($12.6 billion), Machinery ($12.2 billion), Electrical Machinery ($11.4 billion), and Vehicles ($10.3 billion).

U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $25.9 billion in 2013, the largest U.S. Ag export market. Leading categories include: soybeans ($13.4 billion), cotton ($2.2 billion), hides and skins ($1.7 billion), and distillers grains ($1.4 billion).

U.S. exports of private commercial services* (i.e., excluding military and government) to China were $30.0 billion in 2012 (latest data available), 10.9% ($3.0 billion) more than 2011 and 418% greater than 2002. It is up 455% since 2001. Other private services (education and business, professional and technical services), travel, and the royalties and license fees (industrial processes, trademarks) categories accounted for most of U.S. services exports to China.

China was the United States’ largest supplier of goods imports in 2013.

U.S. goods imports from China totaled $440.4 billion in 2013, a 3.5 % increase ($14.9 billion) from 2012, and up 189% since 2003. It is up 331% since 2001. U.S. imports from China accounted for 19.4% of overall U.S. imports in 2013.

The five largest import categories in 2013 were: Electrical Machinery ($117.5 billion), Machinery ($100.4 billion), Furniture and Bedding ($24.1 billion), Toys and Sports Equipment ($21.7 billion), and Footwear ($17.0 billion).

U.S. imports of agricultural products from China totaled $4.4 billion in 2013, the 3rd largest supplier of Ag imports. Leading categories include: processed fruit and vegetables ($973 million), fruit and vegetable juices ($542 million), fresh vegetables ($214 million), and snack foods (including chocolate) ($195 million).

U.S. imports of private commercial services* (i.e., excluding military and government) were $13.0 billion in 2012 (latest data available), up 12.3% ($1.4 billion) from 2011 and up 222% from 2002. It is up 268% since 2001. The other private services (business, professional and technical services), the other transportation (freight services), and travel categories accounted for most of U.S. services imports from China.

Trade Balance
The U.S. goods trade deficit with China was $318.4 billion in 2013, an 1.1% increase ($3.3 billion) over 2012. The U.S. goods trade deficit with China accounted for 46.3% of the overall U.S. goods trade deficit in 2013.

The United States has a services trade surplus of $17.0 billion with China in 2012 (latest data available), up 9.9% from 2011.

U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in China (stock) was $51.4 billion in 2012 (latest data available), a 7.1% decrease from 2011.

U.S. direct investment in China is led by the manufacturing, wholesale trade, banking and finance/insurance sectors.

China FDI in the United States (stock) was $5.2 billion in 2012 (latest data available), up 38.2% from 2011.

China direct investment in the U.S. is led by the banking and wholesale trade  sectors.

Sales of services in China by majority U.S.-owned affiliates were $35.2 billion in 2011 (latest data available), while sales of services in the United States by majority China-owned firms were $1.4 billion.

*Note: Refers to private services trade not including U.S. military sales, direct defense expenditures, and other miscellaneous U.S. government services.


Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative

The Nixon Shock

The Nixon Shock was a series of economic measures undertaken by United States President Richard Nixon in 1971, the most significant of which was the unilateral cancellation of the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.

While Nixon’s actions did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperable. While Nixon publicly stated his intention to resume direct convertibility of the dollar after reforms to the Bretton Woods system had been implemented, all attempts at reform proved unsuccessful. By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de facto by a regime based on freely floating fiat currencies that remains in place to the present day.

In 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, representatives from forty-four nations met in order to develop a new international monetary system that would later come to be known as the Bretton Woods system. Conference members had hoped that this new system would “ensure exchange rate stability, prevent competitive devaluations, and promote economic growth.” It was not until 1958 that the Bretton Woods System became fully operational. Countries now settled their international accounts in dollars that could be converted to gold at a fixed exchange rate of thirty five dollars per ounce, which was redeemable by the U.S. government. Thus, the United States was committed to backing every dollar overseas with gold. Other currencies were fixed to the dollar, and the dollar was pegged to gold.

For the first years after World War II, the Bretton Woods system worked well. With the Marshall Plan Japan and Europe were rebuilding from the war, and foreigners wanted dollars to spend on American goods – cars, steel, machinery, etc. Because the U.S. owned over half the world’s official gold reserves – 574 million ounces at the end of World War II – the system appeared secure.

However, from 1950 to 1969, as Germany and Japan recovered, the US share of the world’s economic output dropped significantly, from 35 percent to 27 percent. Furthermore, a negative balance of payments, growing public debt incurred by the Vietnam War and Great Society programs, and monetary inflation by the Federal Reserve caused the dollar to become increasingly overvalued in the 1960s.

By 1966, foreign central banks held $14 billion, while the United States had only $13.2 billion in gold reserve. Of those reserves, only $3.2 billion was able to cover foreign holdings as the rest was covering domestic holdings.

By 1971, the money supply had increased by 10%. In May 1971, West Germany was the first to leave the Bretton Woods system, unwilling to revalue the Deutsche Mark. In the following three months, this move strengthened its economy. Simultaneously, the dollar dropped 7.5% against the Deutsche Mark. Other nations began to demand redemption of their dollars for gold. Switzerland redeemed $50 million in July. France acquired $191 million in gold. On August 5, 1971, the United States Congress released a report recommending devaluation of the dollar, in an effort to protect the dollar against “foreign price-gougers”. On August 9, 1971, as the dollar dropped in value against European currencies, Switzerland left the Bretton Woods system. The pressure began to intensify on the United States to leave Bretton Woods.

The Event

At the time, the U.S. also had unemployment and inflation rates of 6.1% (Aug 1971) and 5.84% (1971), respectively.

To combat these issues, President Nixon consulted Federal Reserve chairman Arthur Burns, incoming Treasury Secretary John Connally, and then Undersecretary for International Monetary Affairs and future Fed Chairman Paul Volcker.

On the afternoon of Friday, August 13, 1971, these officials along with 12 other high-ranking White House and Treasury advisors met secretly with Nixon at Camp David. There was great debate about what Nixon should do, but ultimately Nixon, relying heavily on the advice of the self-confident Connally, decided to break up Bretton Woods by suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold; freezing wages and prices for 90 days to combat potential inflationary effects; and impose an import surcharge of 10 percent. To prevent a run on the dollar, stabilize the US economy, and decrease US unemployment and inflation rates, on August 15, 1971:

1. Nixon directed Treasury Secretary Connally to suspend, with certain exceptions, the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, ordering the gold window to be closed such that foreign governments could no longer exchange their dollars for gold.
2. Nixon issued Executive Order 11615 (pursuant to the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970), imposing a 90-day freeze on wages and prices in order to counter inflation. This was the first time the U.S. government enacted wage and price controls outside of wartime.
3. An import surcharge of 10 percent was set to ensure that American products would not be at a disadvantage because of the expected fluctuation in exchange rates.

Speaking on television on August 15, the Sunday before the markets opened, Nixon said the following:

“The third indispensable element in building the new prosperity is closely related to creating new jobs and halting inflation. We must protect the position of the American dollar as a pillar of monetary stability around the world.
In the past 7 years, there has been an average of one international monetary crisis every year…
I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States. Now, what is this action — which is very technical — what does it mean for you? Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation. If you want to buy a foreign car or take a trip abroad, market conditions may cause your dollar to buy slightly less. But if you are among the overwhelming majority of Americans who buy American-made products in America, your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today. The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar.”

The American public felt the government was rescuing them from price gougers and from a foreign-caused exchange crisis. Politically, Nixon’s actions were a massive success. The Dow rose 33 points the next day, its biggest daily gain ever at that point, and the New York Times editorial read, “We unhesitatingly applaud the boldness with which the President has moved.”

By December 1971, the import surcharge was dropped as part of a general revaluation of the Group of Ten (G-10) currencies, which under the Smithsonian Agreement were thereafter allowed 2.25% devaluations from the agreed exchange rate. In March 1973, the fixed exchange rate system became a floating exchange rate system. The currency exchange rates no longer were governments’ principal means of administering monetary policy.

Later Ramifications
The Nixon Shock has been widely considered to be a political success, but an economic mixed bag in bringing on the stagflation of the 1970s and leading to the instability of floating currencies. The dollar plunged by a third during the ’70s, and in 1997 several Asian and Latin countries faced currency crises. According to the World Trade Review’s “The Nixon shock after forty years: the import surcharge revisited”, Douglas Irwin reports that for several months, U.S officials could not get other countries to agree to a formal revaluation of their currencies. German mark appreciated significantly after it allowed the mark to float in May 1971. Also, the Nixon Shock unleashed enormous speculation against the dollar. It forced Japan’s central bank to intervene massively in the foreign exchange market to prevent the yen from increasing in value. Within two days August 16–17, 1971, Japan’s central bank had to buy $1.3 billion to support the dollar and keep the yen at the old rate of 360 Yen. Japan’s foreign exchange reserves rapidly increased: $2.7 billion (30%) a week later and $4 billion the following week. Still, this large-scale intervention by Japan’s central bank could not prevent the depreciation of US dollar against the yen. France also was willing to allow the dollar to depreciate against the franc, but not allow the franc to appreciate against gold (Page 14 Douglas). Even much later, in 2011, Paul Volcker expressed regret over the abandonment of Bretton Woods: “Nobody’s in charge,” Volcker said. “The Europeans couldn’t live with the uncertainty and made their own currency and now that’s in trouble.”

In 1996, liberal economist Paul Krugman (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 2008) summarized the post-Nixon Shock era as follows:

“The current world monetary system assigns no special role to gold; indeed, the Federal Reserve is not obliged to tie the dollar to anything. It can print as much or as little money as it deems appropriate. There are powerful advantages to such an unconstrained system. Above all, the Fed is free to respond to actual or threatened recessions by pumping in money. To take only one example, that flexibility is the reason the stock market crash of 1987—which started out every bit as frightening as that of 1929—did not cause a slump in the real economy.”

While a freely floating national money has advantages, however, it also has risks. For one thing, it can create uncertainties for international traders and investors. Over the past five years, the dollar has been worth as much as 120 yen and as little as 80. The costs of this volatility are hard to measure (partly because sophisticated financial markets allow businesses to hedge much of that risk), but they must be significant. Furthermore, a system that leaves monetary managers free to do good also leaves them free to be irresponsible—and, in some countries, they have been quick to take the opportunity.

Debate over the Nixon Shock has persisted to the present day, with economists and politicians across the political spectrum trying to make sense of the Nixon Shock and its impact on monetary policy in the light of the financial crisis of 2007–08. Conservative columnist David Frum sums up the situation this way:

“The modern currency float has its problems. There is no magical monetary cure, monetary policy is a policy area almost uniquely crowded with trade-offs and lesser evils.
If you want a classical gold standard, you get chronic deflation punctuated by depressions, as the U.S. did between 1873 and 1934.
If you want a regime of managed currencies tethered to gold, you get regulations and controls, as the U.S. got from 1934 through 1971.
If you let the currency float, you get chronic inflation punctuated by bubbles, the American lot since 1971.
System 1 is incompatible with democracy, because voters won’t accept the pain inherent in a gold standard.
System 2 is incompatible with the free market economics I favor.
That leaves me with System 3 as the worst option except for all the others.”

From Wikipedia

The Petrodollar

Petrodollar refers to United States dollars earned through the sale of its petroleum (oil) to another country.


In 1971 Richard Nixon was forced to close the gold window taking the U.S. off the gold standard and setting into motion a massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar. In an effort to prop up the value of the dollar Nixon negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia that in exchange for arms and protection they would denominate all future oil sales in U.S. dollars. Subsequently, the other OPEC countries agreed to similar deals thus ensuring a global demand for U.S. dollars and allowing the U.S. to export some of its inflation. Since these dollars did not circulate within the country they were not part of the normal money supply, economists felt another term was necessary to describe the dollars received by petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) in exchange for oil, so the term petrodollar was coined by Georgetown University economics professor, Ibrahim Oweiss.

Because the United States was the largest producer and consumer of oil in the world, the world oil market had been priced in United States dollars since the end of World War II. International oil prices were based on discounts or premiums relative to that for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.[4] But, although oil sales prior to 1973 were denominated in U.S. dollars nothing precluded settlement in local currency.

In October 1973, OPEC declared an oil embargo in response to the United States’ and Western Europe’s support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War and this tension (and new power of OPEC) led to fear that the dollar would become insignificant in the oil trade.

From Wikipedia

The Dying Aral Sea

The Independent

September 30, 2014

It was once the fourth largest lake in the world, but what used to be an expanse of water in the basin of the Kyzylkum Desert now lies almost completely dry.

The Aral Sea has been retreating over the last half-century since a massive Soviet irrigation project diverted water from the rivers that fed it into farmland.

Images taken from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on Nasa’s Terra satellite have now depicted how since the turn of the century the lake has increasingly shrunk until this year saw its eastern lobe dry up completely.

The lake was at one time fed by the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers which flow down from the mountains before making their way through the Kyzylkum Desert where they pooled together at the lowest part of the basin.

An irrigation project by the Soviet Union in the 1960s however took water from the rivers to transform the desert into cotton farms.
While the massive diversion of water allowed the desert to thrive, it had a devastating effect on the Aral Sea.

This series of images starts in the year 2000, by which time the lake was already a fraction of what it was before the irrigation project started in the 1960s.

The Nasa images show how by 2000 the lake was already a fraction of what it had been before the irrigation project started in the 1960s The Nasa images show how by 2000 the lake was already a fraction of what it had been before the irrigation project started in the 1960s

The images show how the smaller Northern Aral Sea had separated from the Southern Aral Sea, which itself had broken up into an eastern and a western lobe, the two sides still barely connected at both ends.

The following year however this connection had been broken and the eastern part, although larger in surface area, rapidly disappeared in the subsequent years.

While there appears to have been some fluctuation between 2009 and 2014, as a result of alternately dry and wet years, the overall pattern sees the eastern lobe consistently shrink until dry conditions this year caused it to completely disappear.

In 2005, Kazakhstan built a dam between the Northern Aral Sea and the Southern Aral Sea in a bid to save part of the lake, according to the Nasa Earth Observatory.

The changes have also brought dire consequences to the people surrounding the lake, with the communities that depended on them collapsing as the water dried up.

Meanwhile, the water left in the lake became polluted with fertilizer and pesticides, which has caused a public health hazard now contaminated dust is blown up from the exposed lakebed, the Nasa Earth Observatory reports.

To compound matters, more water has been taken from the rivers to flush out the cropland affected by the blowing contaminated dust.

By 2014, the eastern lobe of the lake had completely dried up.
The loss of the water has also made the winters colder while the summers have become hotter and drier.

In 2010, a documentary depicted the dramatic desiccation of the Aral Sea, which has now become a byword for ecological calamity.

At that time the lake still covered half of its original area of 25,500 square miles, while the volume of water had been reducted to a quarter, according to the We Are Water Foundation.

Spanish director Isabel Coixet made the film for the foundation, which seeks “to enable the equitable development and sustainable management of the world’s water resources.”

At the time the foundation said: “The region has the highest infant mortality rate in all of the former USSR” and “chronic bronchitis has increased by 3,000 per cent and arthritis 6,000 per cent, and in part of Uzbekistan” liver cancer has increased 200 per cent.

Original article

Water rationing hits California

Limit of 50 gallons per person per day or face fines of $500

Monday, September 29, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Millions of Californians are about to be hit with strict water rationing — daily “allocation” numbers that represent the maximum amount of water you’re allowed to use for any purpose. Households that exceed the allocation limit will face stiff fines of hundreds of dollars per violation.

“In July, the State Water Resources Control Board passed stage one emergency regulations, giving powers to all local water agencies to fine $500 per violation,” reports the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

Keep in mind that these are only “stage one” emergency regulations. Stages two and three have yet to be invoked and will only become more severe.

The amount of water each household is allowed by water districts will be determined by government employees viewing satellite imagery of private properties, then calculating how much water that property should be allowed to use.

“Using census records, aerial photography and satellite imagery, an agency can determine a property’s efficient water usage,” says the SGVT.

50 gallons per person, per day
In some districts, water rationing allocation is also based on the number of persons who are known to be living at each address based on U.S. Census data. The Irvine Ranch Water District allows 50 gallons of “indoor” water consumption per person in the home. As explained on the IRWD website:

The indoor water allocation is 50 gallons per person per day and depends upon the number of residents in a home. Water allocated for landscape irrigation depends upon the type of home.

As the IRWD website explains, those water consumers who the government deems to be “wasteful” will be charged 160% or higher rates for water consumption. This is on top of the $500 fines for each violation, as has now been approved by the state.

The 50 gallons per person per day is the maximum allocated amount for all indoor water use, including laundry, showering, toilet flushing, drinking, washing dishes and hand washing for hygienic purposes.

According to the EPA, the average U.S. citizen currently uses 100 gallons per day, with 70 of those gallons consumed indoors. The largest users of indoor water are toilets, showers and clothes washers.

Not yet called “rationing” because the word isn’t socially acceptable
Interestingly, the water rationing that’s about to be enforced in California isn’t being called rationing. Instead, California’s doublespeak wordsmiths have decided to call it an “allocation-based rate structure” (which simply means that after you hit your ration limit, you are harshly penalized for any additional consumption).

In explaining why California citizens will be heavily penalized with fines if they exceed their water rationing allocation, all sorts of elaborate doublespeak terms are now being used such as “strong price signals” and “conservation response.”

Here’s how the IRWD explains water rationing to its customers without using the term “rationing”:

Allocation-based rate structures are the foundation of IRWD’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan. This rate structure allows IRWD to quickly respond to limited supplies through strong price signals, which result in the greatest conservation response from our customers.

Translation: If we aggressively penalize people for exceeding their water allocation, they will seek to stay within the limits for the same reason that people try to avoid speeding tickets — nobody wants to pay the fines!

Landscape watering limited to two days a week
Some California water districts are also enforcing unprecedented restrictions on water use for “outdoor watering” applications.

The Irvine Ranch Water District, for example, has publicly announced its intention to “…implement mandatory outdoor water use restrictions that restrict outdoor watering to two days a week.”

California homeowners being paid big bucks to remove grass in “Remove Green. Receive Green” program
The California drought is so bad that some California homeowners are even being paid cash to remove their lawns.

The IRWD Turf Removal Program advertises the slogan “Remove Green. Receive Green” and explains there is no limit to the amount of money a person can be paid under the program.

What’s interesting about this Turf Removal Program is that it essentially pays people to restore their yards to the way they should have been constructed in the first place. Green lawns in desert regions are one of the most idiotic things modern humans have ever come up with, with green golf courses in desert regions taking the top prize for sheer environmental stupidity.

Where it’s all headed
Water conservation efforts are greatly needed in California and should be applauded. On the other hand, they only postpone the inevitable — a mass migration out of the American southwest as the water runs out across entire regions.

Tearing up your front lawn and replacing it with agave and desert spoon plants doesn’t nullify the fact that much of California is wildly overpopulated to the point of long-term non-sustainability. Even if each person in the state were restricted to just 25 gallons a day, the water would keep dropping in Lake Mead (which is already perilously close to outflow restrictions that will impact California and Arizona).

The only way the current population of Californians can live in harmony with the regional water resources is if most of the people stop taking showers, stop flushing toilets and stop doing laundry. Unfortunately, this practice is currently limited only to a few UCLA campus frat houses and hasn’t yet caught on with the rest of the citizenry.

Crop yields already in a state of collapse
Honestly stated, the modern-day lifestyle that many people equate with California living simply isn’t sustainable. As a result, a collapse of the water infrastructure has already begun. That’s why the crop yields have also collapsed this year, with the Sacramento Bee reporting:

While many crops have yet to be harvested, it’s clear that the drought has carved a significant hole in the economy of rural California. Farm income is down, so is employment… Economists at UC Davis say agriculture, which has been a $44 billion-a-year business in California, will suffer revenue losses and higher water costs — a financial hit totaling $2.2 billion this year.

That financial hit is only going to get worse, and the implosion of crop production will only accelerate. “Roughly one-fourth of California’s rice fields went fallow this year, about 140,000 acres worth, according to the California Rice Commission,” reports the Sacramento Bee.

And the worst part is that farmers have been tapping into underground aquifers in order to grow their crops this year. But that water is irreplaceable in any human timeframe, and when it’s all used up, it’s gone for good. California’s agriculture industry has yet to come up with a way to grow food crops without using water. Until they do, the food producing potential of the entire region is headed for accelerated collapse.

When the citizens of California truly wake up and realize where this is all headed, real estate prices will utterly collapse, leading to a collapse of local property tax revenues and the economic devastation of towns and cities. Many of those once-thriving towns will inevitably return to the desert from which they sprang.

Original article

Posted by permission

California’s Drought Linked To Greenhouse gases

California’s drought linked to greenhouse gases, climate change in Stanford study
By Lisa M. Krieger |


The stubborn high-pressure systems that block California rains are linked to the abundance of human-caused greenhouse gases that heat the oceans, according to a major paper released Monday by Stanford scientists.

But two other new studies disagree — saying there’s no evidence that warming ocean waters are to blame for our drought.

The dispute comes at the end of the state’s official “water year,” which closes Tuesday with less than 60 percent of average precipitation. California’s major reservoirs are collectively holding just one-third of their capacity.

The three teams of scientists contributing to an annual analysis of extreme weather events agree that there is a region of exceptionally high, record-breaking ocean temperatures in the North Pacific, nicknamed “The Blob.” It’s big enough to cover the United States 300 feet deep.

A Stanford study concludes California’s extraordinary drought is linked to the abundance of greenhouse gases created by burning fossil fuels.

A Stanford study concludes California’s extraordinary drought is linked to the abundance of greenhouse gases created by burning fossil fuels. (Altaf Qadri/Associated Press)

And they agree that warm Pacific waters — which may be linked to persistent high-pressure systems — can trigger changes in how the atmosphere sweeps across our landscape.

But did we inflict this devastating drought upon ourselves?

The evidence isn’t there, conclude the editors of the report — an anthology of more than 20 climate studies published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
“The comparison of the three studies for the same extreme event, each using different methods and metrics, revealed sources of uncertainty,” it asserts.

Leading off the three California reports, the Stanford team concluded that high-pressure systems like our current “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge,” diverting storms away from California, are much more likely to form in the presence of concentrations of greenhouse gases, responsible for climate change.

“We find that it is very likely that global warming has tripled the probability of this atmospheric configuration occurring,” said Stanford climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh, associate professor of environmental earth system science, who led the research.
High-pressure systems cause fewer storms to reach California, agreed a second team. But they can also increase atmospheric humidity, boosting the odds of flooding.

“These effects counteract each other, contributing to no appreciable long-term change in risk of dry climate extremes over California,” according to a paper by Hailan Wang and Siegfried Schubert of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
A third team concluded that ocean warming, while real, is not contributing to our drought, because the blob of warming water is too far west of the critical region. But warming will stress our water availability, warned Daithi Stone of Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and two Santa Barbara-based scientists.

Increasing air temperatures “will impact the timing and availability of snowmelt, and amplify demand for water,” the team wrote.

Human-caused global warming caused extreme weather elsewhere, according to the other studies in the annual report.

Specifically, it is blamed for lethal heat waves in Australia and Korea.
But natural variability plays a role in other lethal events, such as flooding and India and deep snow in the Spanish Pyrenees Mountains.

Accurately modeling rainfall in a complex landscape, especially a place like California, can be tricky.

The Stanford study does not explicitly blame California’s drought on climate change. But it says there is a high statistical likelihood that the large-scale atmospheric conditions that fend off rainstorms occur more frequently now than in the climate before we emitted large amounts of greenhouse gases,

To test their theory, the Stanford team applied advanced statistical techniques to a large suite of climate model simulations. One set mirrored the present climate, in which the atmosphere is warming due to human emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. In the other, greenhouse gases were kept at a level similar to those before the Industrial Revolution began in the early 18th century.

They found that the conditions associated with a formation of a ridge over the northeastern Pacific were at least three times as likely to occur in the present climate as in the preindustrial climate.

They also found that such extreme conditions are consistently tied to unusually low precipitation in California.

Original article, posted by permission.

Solar Power With Gold Nanocluster Technology

Western scientists revolutionize solar power with new “gold nanocluster” technology

September 25, 2014

Scientists at Western University have discovered that a small molecule created with just 144 atoms of gold can increase solar cell performance by more than 10 per cent. These findings, published recently by the high-impact journal Nanoscale, represent a game-changing innovation that holds the potential to take solar power mainstream and dramatically decrease the world’s dependence on traditional, resource-based sources of energy, says Giovanni Fanchini from Western’s Faculty of Science.

Fanchini, the Canada Research Chair in Carbon-based Nanomaterials and Nano-optoelectronics, says the new technology could easily be fast-tracked and integrated into prototypes of solar panels in one to two years and solar-powered phones in as little as five years.

“Every time you recharge your cell phone, you have to plug it in,” says Fanchini, an assistant professor in Western’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. “What if you could charge mobile devices like phones, tablets or laptops on the go? Not only would it be convenient, but the potential energy savings would be significant.”

The Western researchers have already started working with manufacturers of solar components to integrate their findings into existing solar cell technology and are excited about the potential.

“The Canadian business industry already has tremendous know-how in solar manufacturing,” says Fanchini. “Our invention is modular, an add-on to the existing production process, so we anticipate a working prototype very quickly.”

Making nanoplasmonic enhancements, Fanchini and his team use “gold nanoclusters” as building blocks to create a flexible network of antennae on more traditional solar panels to attract an increase of light. While nanotechnology is the science of creating functional systems at the molecular level, nanoplasmonics investigates the interaction of light with and within these systems.

“Picture an extremely delicate fishnet of gold,” explains Fanchini explains, noting that the antennae are so miniscule they are unseen even with a conventional optical microscope. “The fishnet catches the light emitted by the sun and draws it into the active region of the solar cell.”

According to Fanchini, the spectrum of light reflected by gold is centered on the yellow color and matches the light spectrum of the sun making it superior for such antennae as it greatly amplifies the amount of sunlight going directly into the device.

“Gold is very robust, resilient to oxidization and not easily damaged, making it the perfect material for long-term use,” says Fanchini. “And gold can also be recycled.”
It has been known for some time that larger gold nanoparticles enhance solar cell performance, but the Western team is getting results with “a ridiculously small amount” – approximately 10,000 times less than previous studies, which is 10,000 times less expensive too.

Original article

China’s South–North Water Transfer Project



The South–North Water Transfer Project is a multi-decade infrastructure project of the People’s Republic of China to better utilize water resources available to China. This is to be achieved through the South North Water Diversion Project (SNWD). While the main thrust is to divert water from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River and Hai River, other spin-off plans are also loosely included. Amongst these, a controversial plan calling for the capture and diversion of water from Brahmaputra River, located in Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon north of India, has been under study for years. This is because heavily industrialized Northern China has a much lower rainfall and its rivers are running dry. Already the Yellow River has often gone dry in its lower reaches in recent decades and some of the Hai River tributaries almost dried out throughout the year. Supply and demand conditions have often changed more rapidly than the project plans’ ability to accommodate the changes, resulting in much higher costs and reduced benefits.

Project’s conception
The idea for the South–North Water Transfer Project originated from Mao Zedong who said, “Southern water is plentiful, northern water scarce. If at all possible, borrowing some water would be good.” After his comments, the Chinese Water Works Department conducted several studies on the project. After decades of study, the South–North Water Transfer Project settled on three different proposals for routes: The western route is in the western headwaters of the rivers where the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are closest to one another; the central route is from the upper reaches of the Han River (a tributary of Yangtze River) to Beijing and Tianjin; and the eastern route uses the course of the Grand Canal. This project will divert 44.8 billion cubic meters/year of water from South to North.

Western route
The western route, called the Big Western Line, is to divert water from the headwater of the Yangtze River into the headwater of the Yellow River. In order to move the water through the drainage divide between these rivers, huge dams and long tunnels are needed to be built to cross the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Western Yunnan Plateaus. In addition, about 200 billion cubic meters (200 cubic km) of water will be diverted from the upstream sections of six rivers in southwestern China annually, including the Mekong, the Yarlung Zangbo and the Salween, to the dry areas of northern China through a system of reservoirs, tunnels and natural rivers. The feasibility of this route is still under study and this project won’t start in the near future. Environmentalists have raised concerns about potential flooding that could result.

Central route
The central route is from Danjiangkou Reservoir on the Han River, a tributary of the Yangtse River, to Beijing. This route is built on the North China Plain and, once the Yellow River has been crossed, water can flow all the way to Beijing by gravity. The main engineering challenge is to build a tunnel under the Yellow River. Construction on the central route began in 2004. In 2008 the 307 km-long Northern stretch of the central route was completed at a cost of US$2 billion. Water in that stretch of the canal does not yet come from the Han River, but from various reservoirs in Hebei Province south of Beijing. Farmers and industries in Hebei had to cut back water consumption to allow for water to be transferred to Beijing.

The whole project was expected to be completed around 2010. This has recently been set back to 2014 to allow for more environmental protections to be built. A problem is the influence on the Han River, where ~1/3 of the water is diverted. One long-term consideration is to build another canal to divert water from the Three Gorges Dam to Danjiangkou Reservoir. Another major difficulty is the resettlement of ~330,000 persons around Danjiangkou Reservoir and along the route. On October 18, 2009, Chinese officials began to relocate residents from the areas of the Hubei and Henan provinces that will be affected by the reservoir.

Eastern route
The Grand Canal is currently being upgraded. Water from the Yangtze River will be drawn into the canal in Jiangdu, where a giant 400 m³/s (12.6 Billion m3/year if operated continuously) pumping station was built already in the 1980s, and is then fed uphill by pumping stations along the Grand Canal and through a tunnel under the Yellow River, from where it can flow downhill to reservoirs near Tianjin. Construction on the Eastern Route officially began on December 27, 2002, and water is supposed to reach Tianjin by 2012. However, water pollution has affected the viability of this project.

The original plan that began in the 1950s and 1960s called for diverting the Nu (Salween), the Lancang (Mekong), the Tongtian, the Yalong, and the Dadu Rivers into the upstream Yellow River. The project was considered too immense and costly to be undertaken at the time. At the present, armed with new technology, feasibility studies have been conducted with the plan of connecting the three latter rivers (the Tongtian, the Yalong, and the Dadu, rivers that flow entirely within the borders of China) and diverting them into the Yellow River. The Tongtian diversion line would be 289 km in length, the Yalong 131 km, and the Dadu 30 km.

Project controversy
Since the introduction of the project, it has created widespread controversy. Opponents to the project object to it on the grounds that it is a waste of resources, it could create a large number of migrant people, it could waste massive amounts of water through evaporation and pollution, the project’s huge cost would make the water prohibitively expensive for consumers, the dry season could cause the Yangtze River to suffer from water shortages, it would be detrimental to the Yangtze River’s transportation, and it could cause an environmental disaster. Additionally, some villagers being relocated for the Central route claim they were forced to sign relocation agreements. Government officials and defenders of the project claim the Yangtze River has a plentiful supply of water, with 96% of the water currently flowing into the Pacific Ocean. They argue that transferring one portion to the poorly irrigated areas of the North could solve the North’s water scarcity issue.

Water resources of the People’s Republic of China
The water resources of China are affected by both severe water quantity shortages and severe water quality pollution. A growing population and rapid economic development as well as lax environmental oversight have increased water demand and pollution. China has responded by measures such as rapidly building out the water infrastructure and increasing regulation as well as exploring a number of further technological solutions.

China’s water resources include 2,711.5 cubic kilometers of mean annual run-off in its rivers and 828.8 cubic kilometers of groundwater recharge. As pumping water draws water from nearby rivers, the total available resource is less than the sum of surface and groundwater, and thus is only 2,821.4 cubic kilometers. 80% of these resources are in the South of China.

Total water withdrawals were estimated at 554 cubic kilometers in 2005, or about 20% of renewable resources. Demand is from the following sectors:

65% agriculture
23% industry
12% domestic
In 2006 626,000 square kilometers were irrigated.

Water Balance
Over-extraction of groundwater and falling water tables are big problems in China, particularly in the north. According to the Ministry of Construction, preliminary statistics show that there are more than 160 areas nationwide where groundwater has been over-exploited with an average annual groundwater depletion of more than 10 billion cubic meters. As a result, more than 60,000 square kilometers of ground surface have sunk with more than 50 cities suffering from serious land subsidence. Flooding also still is a major problem.

In a Xinhua article from 2002, Chinese experts warned of future or current water shortages. Water resource usage was expected to peak in 2030 when the population peaks. Areas north of the Yangtze River were particularly affected with 80.9% of Chinese water resources being south of the river. Northern China had used 10,000-year-old aquifers which had resulted in ground cracking and subsidence in some regions.

A 2005 article in China Daily stated that out of 514 rivers surveyed in 2000, 60 were dry. Water volume in lakes had decreased by 14%. Many wetlands had decreased in size.

Jared Diamond stated in his 2005 book Collapse that, in the past 50 years, exploitation in the form of dams and other irrigation infrastructure have all but halted the Yellow River’s natural course, threatening to dry up the entire river valley. The cessation of river flows, or flow stoppages, has surged since the 1980s because of increased water usage and waste. In 1997, the lower Yellow River did not flow 230 days out of the year, an increase of over 2000% since 1988. Increased erosion and sedimentation, especially on the Loess Plateau, has made the river much less navigable by ship.

For the 2008 Summer Olympics, China diverted water from Hebei and Shanxi provinces, areas already beset by drought and dramatic water shortages, to Beijing. In July 2008, the head of the Beijing Water Authority Bi Xiaogang denied that the Olympics would increase water consumption by a large amount. However, previously he and other local officials said that Beijing would divert up to 400 million cubic meters of water from Hebei for the Games with water-diversion facilities and pipes being built to pump water from four reservoirs in Hebei. Around Baoding city alone, a mostly rural area, 31,000 residents lost land and their homes due to a water transfer project; many more have been displaced throughout Hebei. According to an August 24, 2008 report by the UK’s Times, much of the infrastructure intended for the water diversion scheme was left half-constructed or unused when Beijing officials realized that water demand estimates had been far too high. The number of tourists attending the Beijing games was lower than expected, and many migrant workers, ethnic minorities, and political dissidents had left the city as a result of intimidation or official requests. Nevertheless, the Hebei area had already been sucked dry to fill a number of large reservoirs, leading to drought and agricultural losses.

Water Transfers
Large-scale water transfers have long been advocated by Chinese planners as a solution to the country’s water woes. The South-North Water Transfer Project is being developed primarily to divert water from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River and Beijing.

The development or diversion of major trans-boundary rivers originating in China, such as the Brahmaputra River and the Mekong River, could be a source on tension with China’s neighbors. For example, after building two dams upstream, China is building at least three more on the Mekong, inflaming passions in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. In a book titled “Tibet’s Waters Will Save China” a group of Chinese ex-officials have championed the northward rerouting of the waters of the Brahmaputra as an important lifeline for China in a future phase of South-North Water Transfer Project. Such a diversion could fuel tension with India and Bangladesh, if no prior agreement would be reached on sharing the river’s water.

Sea Water Desalination
Due to the water problems, as well as for future exports, China is building up its desalination technological abilities and plans to create an indigenous industry. Some cities have introduced extensive water conservation and recycling programs and technologies.

Water Quality
The quality of groundwater or surface water is a major problem in China, be it because of man-made water pollution or natural contamination.

Deterioration of drinking water quality continues to be a major problem in China. Continuous emissions from manufacturing is the largest contributor to lowered drinking quality across the People’s Republic, but introduction of poorly treated sewage, industrial spills, and extensive use of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides have proven to be major contributors as well. Furthermore, these water quality issues couple with seasonal scarcity of water to spark endemic water shortages, which frequently affect millions of people to some extent.

According to China’s State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) in 2006, 60% of the country’s rivers suffer from pollution to such an extent that they cannot be safely used as drinking water sources. According to the 2008 State of the Environment Report by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the successor agency of SEPA, pollution of specific rivers is as follows:

The Pearl River and the Yangtze River had “good water quality”; the Songhua River was “slightly polluted” (it was “moderately polluted” in 2006); the Liaohe River, the Huaihe River, and the Yellow River were “moderately polluted” (another translation says they “had poor water quality”); and the Haihe River which flows through Beijing and Tianjin was “badly polluted”.

A 2006 article by the Chinese Embassy in the UK stated that approximately 300 million nationwide have no access to clean water. Almost 90% of underground water in cities are affected by pollution and as well as 70% of China’s rivers and lakes.

A 2007 article in China Daily stated that large scale use of pesticides and fertilizers from agriculture also contribute to water pollution.

A 2008 report about the Yellow River argued that severe pollution caused by factory discharges and sewage from fast-expanding cities has made one-third of the river unusable even for agricultural or industrial use. The report, based on data taken last year, covered more than 8,384 miles of the river, one of the longest waterways in the world, and its tributaries. The Yellow River Conservancy Committee, which surveyed more than 8,384 miles of the river in 2007, said 33.8% of the river system registered worse than level five. According to criteria used by the UN Environment Program, level five is unfit for drinking, aquaculture, industrial use and even agriculture. The report said waste and sewage discharged into the system last year totaled 4.29bn tons. Industry and manufacturing provided 70% of the discharge into the river, with households accounting for 23% and just over 6% coming from other sources.

There have been a high number of river pollution incidents in recent years in China, such as drinking water source pollution by algae in the Tai Lake, Wuxi in May 2007. There was a “bloom of blue-green algae that gave off a rotten smell” shutting off the main source of drinking water supply to 5.8 million people. By September 2007, the city had closed or given notice to close more than 1,340 polluting factories. The city ordered the rest to clean up by June or be permanently shut down. The closing of the factories resulted in a 15% reduction of local GDP. The severe pollution had been known for many years, but factories had been allowed to continue to operate until the crisis erupted.

The 2005 Jilin chemical plant explosions in Jilin City caused a large discharge of nitrobenzene into the Songhua River. Levels of the carcinogen were so high that the entire water supply to Harbin city (pop 3.8M) was cut off for five days between November 21, 2005 and November 26, 2005, though it was only on November 23 that officials admitted that a severe pollution incident was the reason for the cutoff.

Chinese environmental activist and journalist Ma Jun warned in 2006 that China is facing a water crisis that includes water shortages, water pollution and a deterioration in water quality. Ma argued that 400 out of 600 cities in China are facing water shortages to varying degrees, including 30 out of the 32 largest cities. Furthermore, Ma argued, discharges of waste water have increased continually over the years 2001-2006, and that that 300 million peasants’ drinking water is not safe. He warned: “In the north, due to the drying up of the surface water, the underground water has been over-extracted. The water shortage in the north could have drastic affects because almost half of China’s population lives on only 15 percent of its water. The situation is not sustainable. Though the south has abundant water, there is a lack of clean water due to serious water pollution. Even water-abundant deltas like the Yangtze and the Pearl River suffer from water shortages.”

According to an article in the Guardian, in 2005, deputy minister Qiu Baoxing stated that more than 100 out of the 660 cities had extreme water shortages. Pan Yue, deputy director of the State Environment Protection Agency, warned that economic growth was unsustainable due to the water problems. In 2004 the World Bank warned that the scarcity of the resource would lead to “a fight between rural interests, urban interests and industrial interests on who gets water in China.” In April 2005 there were dozens of injuries in Dongyang city, Zhejiang Province, due to clashes over the nearby chemical factories of the Juxi Industrial Park accused of water pollution that harmed crops and led to deformed babies being born. According to the article, a quarter of the population lacked clean drinking water and less than a third of the waste was treated. China is expected to face worsening water shortages until 2030 when the population peaks.

According to a 2007 report by the World Bank, the pollution scandals demonstrate that, if not immediately and effectively controlled, pollution releases can spread across the boundaries of administrative jurisdictions, causing “environmental and economic damage as well as public concern and the potential for social unease”. Once an accident has occurred, the impact on the environment and human health becomes more difficult and more costly to control. Therefore, the report recommends prevention of pollution by strict enforcement of appropriate policies and regulations.

Natural Contamination
Large portions of China’s aquifers suffer from arsenic contamination of groundwater. Arsenic poisoning occurs after long-term exposure to contaminated groundwater through drinking. The phenomenon was first detected in China in the 1950s. As water demand grows, wells are being drilled deeper and now frequently tap into arsenic-rich aquifers. As a consequence, arsenic poisoning is rising. To date there have been more than 30,000 cases reported with about 25 million people exposed to dangerously high levels in their drinking water.

According to the WHO over 26 million people in China suffer from dental fluorosis (weakening of teeth) due to elevated fluoride in their drinking water. In addition, over 1 million cases of skeletal fluorosis (weakening of bones) are thought to be attributable to drinking water. High levels of fluoride occur in groundwater and defluoridation is in many cases unaffordable.

Conservation and Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation in the People’s Republic of China is undergoing a massive transition, while facing numerous challenges – such as rapid urbanization and a widening economic gap between urban and rural areas.

The World Bank in a 2007 report stated that between 1990 and 2005 there have been major financial investments in water infrastructure. While urban water supply coverage increased from 50% to 90%, there are still seasonal water shortages in many cities. Water usage by the growing population has increased but it has decreased by industry causing a stabilization of the overall water usage level. Wastewater treatment of urban wastewater more than tripled from 15% to 52%. Installed wastewater treatment capacity grew much more quickly due to an increasing absolute amount of wastewater. Absolute release of municipal pollutants has decreased slightly since 2000.

According to a 2007 article, the SEPA stated that the water quality in the central drinking water sources for major cities was “mainly good”.

The responsibility for dealing with water is split between several agencies within the government. Water pollution is the responsibility of the environmental authorities, but the water supply itself is managed by the Ministry of Water Resources. Sewage treatment is managed by the Ministry of Construction, but groundwater management falls within the realm of the Ministry of Land and Resources. China grades its water quality in six levels, from Grade I to Grade VI, with Grade VI being the most polluted.

In 2007 Ma Xiancong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Law, identified the following areas where the government failed to act, or tacitly consented, approved or actively took part and so created a worse situation: land appropriation, pollution, excessive mining and the failure to carry out environmental impact assessments. An example of this emerged in 2006, when the State Environmental Protection Administration revealed over a dozen hydroelectric projects that had broken the Environmental Impact Assessment Law.

In 2005 experts warned that China must use Integrated Water Resources Management in order to achieve sustainable development.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generating Solar Power At Night

Israeli firm looks to keep solar power generators running at night

By Ari Rabinovitch

NEGEV DESERT Israel (Reuters) – An Israeli solar power company, Brenmiller Energy, says it has developed a new, more efficient way to store heat from the sun that could give a boost to the thermal solar power industry by enabling plants to run at full capacity night and day.

By next year company founder Avi Brenmiller said he will have a 1.5 megawatt (MW), 15-acre (6-hectare) site in the Negev desert connected to Israel’s national grid, and a number of 10 to 20-MW pilots abroad are expected to follow, which will produce electricity at a price which competes with power from fossil-fueled plants.

“A couple of years from now, not later than that, we will be putting full-size commercial plants to work. Because the basic technology we use here is a bankable technology … I’m sure that banks will not hesitate to finance such projects,” he said.

Many have tried to find ways to keep solar thermal power generators running after dark, but current solutions have shortcomings and have not always proven cost-effective.

The direct generation of electricity by photovoltaic (PV) solar panels is a far more common way to convert solar energy than by using solar heat to fuel thermal power plants, which take up more space and are not suitable for small-scale applications such as residential homes.

But a row of parabolic mirrors now tracks the sun at Brenmiller’s research site in the searing Negev desert, concentrating the rays to generate the steam needed to drive a turbine for producing electricity.

It is a technique that has been used for years but in addition to immediately generating steam some of the solar heat is also conducted by a fluid into a novel storage system buried beneath the mirrors which operates at 550 degrees Celsius.

This store can then be tapped at night or on cloudy days to keep the steam supply to the turbines flowing night and day, said Avi Brenmiller, chief executive of Brenmiller Energy.

The innovation is in the cement-like medium that stores the heat, a technology that Brenmiller says is more efficient than other systems on the market, such as those using molten salt, which has severe price and operational drawbacks.

“We will have this technology at conventional fuel prices with the same availability around the clock. I think that’s the major breakthrough here,” he said from the control room of the project, which he called a working proof of concept.

Brenmiller was a co-founder and chief executive of Solel Solar, a producer of concentrated solar power fields which was bought by Siemens in 2009 for $418 million but subsequently closed by the German group last year.

He has already poured $20 million of his own money into the latest venture over the past two years.



Energy storage can be a key to bridging the gap between energy supply and demand across the globe, the International Energy Agency said in a report earlier this year.

The primary hurdle is reaching “grid parity”, or the point at which electricity generated from renewable energy sources costs the same as electricity produced by fossil-fuelled power plants. That is when, experts believe, environmentally friendly energy conversion can take off.

Grid parity has been achieved in some places with PV panels but while direct electrical energy storage is possible with batteries, they are still relatively expensive, use potentially toxic materials and cannot be applied on a large scale.

Meanwhile some thermal concentrated solar power (CSP) plants have introduced molten salt storage facilities that store excess heat for use in the night, like Torresol Energy’s Gemasolar plant in Spain, but while it works it cannot match the cost of burning fossil fuels and depends on subsidies.

There are also technical drawbacks to using molten salt. The salt stores the high temperatures in liquid form, but if the heat drops below about 220 degrees Celsius, it will freeze, potentially ruining parts of the system.

This is not an issue for Brenmiller, he said, as he uses a solid cement-like storage medium in a structure which is buried about two meters below the mirrors.

He would not give any details on the storage medium’s composition but said the system was similar to storage facilities under development called thermocline systems, which enable the heat to be conducted in, stored and conducted out again in a single tank, which is less costly than having to use two tanks to separate the hot and cold conducting fluids.

“In my understanding, there is no other technology like it in the world,” said Amit Mor, chief executive of Israel-based consulting and investment firm Eco Energy and a former energy adviser to the World Bank. “It can be very useful to developing countries and developed countries alike.”

An hour of sun produces enough energy to sustain three hours of equivalent electricity generation, Brenmiller said, and with every 24 hours of storage, 5 percent of the heat is lost.

It costs three times more to build than a conventional PV plant which can achieve grid parity during sunlight hours, but because it produces three times as much energy, the price of electricity is also at grid parity, he said.

In the United States and Israel, he expects electricity produced by the system to cost 12 cents per kilowatt hour, on a par with the average cost of grid electricity.

Original article

University of Glasgow Water Splitter

Decoupled catalytic hydrogen evolution from a molecular metal oxide redox mediator in water splitting

Benjamin Rausch, Mark D. Symes, Greig Chisholm, Leroy Cronin*

WestCHEM, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow,
University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.

The electrolysis of water using renewable energy inputs is being actively pursued as a route to sustainable hydrogen production. Here we introduce a recyclable redox mediator (silicotungstic acid) that enables the coupling of low-pressure production of oxygen via water oxidation to a separate catalytic hydrogen production step outside the electrolyzer that requires no post-electrolysis energy input. This approach sidesteps the production of high-pressure gases inside the electrolytic cell (a major cause of membrane degradation) and essentially eliminates the hazardous issue of product gas crossover at the low current densities that characterize renewables-driven water-splitting devices. We demonstrated that a platinum-catalyzed system can produce pure hydrogen over 30 times faster than state-of-the-art proton exchange membrane electrolyzers at equivalent platinum loading.

Hydrogen is vital for the production of commodity chemicals such as ammonia and has great potential as a clean-burning fuel (1, 2). However, currently around 95% (~15 trillion mol year−1) of the world’s supply of H2 is obtained by reforming fossil fuels (3), a process that is both unsustainable and leads to a net increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. Of the alternative methods for H2 production that are not linked to fossil resources, the electrolysis of water stands out as a mature, scalable technology for which the only required inputs are water and energy (in the form of electricity) (4). Hence, if the energy source is renewable, H2 can be produced sustainably from water using electrolysis (5, 6).

Renewable energy inputs tend to be sporadic and fluctuating, and thus the systems that are developed to harness this energy and convert it to H2 [such as proton exchange membrane electrolyzers (PEMEs) (7), solar-to-fuels systems (8), and artificial leaves (9)] must be able to deal with varying energy inputs effectively and have rapid startup times. At the low power loads that are characteristic of renewable power sources, the rate at which H2 and O2 are produced may in fact be slower than the rate at which these gases permeate the membrane (10). At the very least, this will severely affect the amount of hydrogen that can be harvested from such devices (11), and in extreme cases could give rise to hazardous O2/H2 mixtures. The PEME is the most mature technology cited for renewables-to-hydrogen conversion, but prevention of such gas crossover at low current densities remains a challenge. PEMEs use nontrivial amounts of precious metal catalysts and so tend to operate at high current densities (1 A cm−2 or above) and high pressure, where the cost of their components can be offset to some extent (7). However, these optimal conditions may be hard to maintain in all cases of renewable driven electrolysis (for example, in small-scale facilities), where less-expensive and lower-power devices would therefore be beneficial. Meanwhile, the high-pressure and high-current-density conditions under which PEMEs work most effectively are also not without drawbacks: These conditions can also lead to gas crossover through the membrane, and the coexistence of H2, O2 and catalyst particles produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that degrade the membrane and shorten its lifetime (12, 13). There is thus a need to develop new electrolyzer systems that can prevent product gases from mixing over a range of current densities and that make more effective use of the precious metal catalysts they employ, in order to make renewables-to-hydrogen conversion both practically and economically more attractive.


Previously, we introduced the concept of the electron-coupled proton buffer (ECPB), which can act to decouple electrolytic H2 and O2 production, producing these gases at separate times (14, 15). Here we describe a redox mediator that can be reversibly reduced in an electrolytic cell (as water is oxidized at the anode) and then transferred to a separate chamber for spontaneous catalytic H2 evolution, without the need for additional energy input after reduction of the mediator (Fig. 1). This approach leads to a device architecture for electrolyzers that has several important advantages. First, it allows the electrochemical step to be performed at atmospheric pressure, while potentially permitting H2 to be evolved at elevated pressure in a distinct compartment. Second, virtually no H2 is produced in the electrolytic cell itself, which (taken with the feature above) obviates the need to purge H2 from the anode side of the cell and could significantly reduce ROS-mediated membrane degradation and the possibility of explosive gas mixtures forming at low current densities or upon membrane failure. Third, H2 evolution from such a system is no longer directly coupled to the rate of water oxidation, and thus the decoupled H2 production step can be performed a rate per milligram of catalyst that is over 30 times faster than that for state-of-the-art PEMEs (movie S1). Finally, the hydrogen produced has the potential to have an inherently low O2 content, both on account of its production in a separate chamber from water oxidation and by virtue of the fact that the reduced mediator reacts rapidly with O2 in solution. This final point could render the H2 produced suitable for applications requiring high-purity H2 such as fuel cells (16) or the Haber-Bosch process (17), without the need for post-electrolysis purification or built-in recombination catalysts.

The redox mediator investigated in this work was silicotungstic acid (H4[SiW12O40]), the cyclic voltammogram (CV) of which on a glassy carbon electrode in aqueous solution is shown in Fig. 2A (black line). H4[SiW12O40] was chosen for investigation on account of its high solubility in water (up to 0.5M), in which solvent it is a strong acid (18). H4[SiW12O40] has reversible one-electron redox waves centered at +0.01 V (wave I) and –0.22 V [wave II; all potentials are versus the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE)], the positions of which are critical to the following discussion (18). Also shown in Fig. 2A are reductive scans taken at a similar pH in the absence of H4[SiW12O40] on carbon and Pt electrodes (red and green lines, respectively). Given that the onset of H2 evolution on Pt occurs at essentially the same potential as the first reduction of H4[SiW12O40], but that H2 evolution on carbon is not appreciable above –0.6 V, we hypothesized that the reduction of H4[SiW12O40] at a carbon electrode at potentials slightly more positive than –0.6 V would give the two-electron reduced form (H6[SiW12O40]) without any competing H2 evolution. If H6[SiW12O40] were then exposed to Pt, it should spontaneously evolve H2 until equilibrium between H2 and the reduced mediator was reached, which Fig. 2A suggests will correspond to a mixture of H4[SiW12O40] and the one-electron reduced form, H5[SiW12O40].

To test this hypothesis, an airtight electrolysis cell was constructed with a Pt mesh or carbon felt anode (for water oxidation) and a carbon felt cathode (for H4[SiW12O40] reduction), as shown in fig. S1. Reduction of the mediator and concomitant water oxidation were performed, and the composition of the gases in the separated headspaces was monitored by gas chromatographic headspace analysis (GCHA). Full faradaic efficiency for O2 evolution could be observed (using Pt anodes), whereas complete two-electron reduction of the mediator could be achieved with only trace H2 being evolved [see supplementary materials (SM) section SI-4 and figs. S2 and S3].


This two-electron reduced H6[SiW12O40] could then be stored without significant spontaneous H2 evolution (<0.002% loss of H2 per hour; fig. S3). Taken together, these data suggest that O2 evolution and H2 evolution can be effectively decoupled from each other using H4[SiW12O40], potentially allowing the O2 produced during electrolysis to be vented to the atmosphere without the need for additional H2 removal processes (19).

The two-electron reduced mediator could then be removed from the electrolysis cell and introduced into sealed reaction flasks under an atmosphere of Ar. The addition of various metal foils to this solution catalyzed H2 evolution, with Pt exhibiting the best performance (SM section SI-5 and fig. S4A). Powdered samples of MoS2 (20, 21) and Ni2P (22) were also found to be effective catalysts for H2 evolution from H6[SiW12O40] (fig. S4B). However, by far the greatest rate of H2 evolution was found when using precious metal catalysts supported on carbon. Figure 2B shows that per milligram of Pt used, the rate of H2 production from H6[SiW12O40] exceeds the rate of H2 evolution possible using a state-of-the-art PEME by a factor of 30 (red data). This more effective use of the precious metal H2 evolution catalyst could be a result of the better dispersion of catalyst that is possible when it is not confined to an electrode.

The kinetics of H2 evolution from solutions of H6[SiW12O40] as a function of time and catalyst are examined in Fig. 3A. Based on the volume of mediator solution used in these experiments, full conversion of two-electron reduced H6[SiW12O40] to one-electron reduced H5[SiW12O40] would be expected to liberate 122.4 ml of H2, whereas complete reversion to H4[SiW12O40] would release 244.7 ml of H2 (SM section SI-6). In practice, somewhat more than 122.4 ml of H2 were liberated in under 30 min with all the catalysts examined in Fig. 3A, suggesting complete and rapid transformation of H6[SiW12O40] to H5[SiW12O40], followed by limited further conversion (10 to 36%) of H5[SiW12O40] toH4[SiW12O40] under these conditions.

Initial rates were then extrapolated to rates of H2 produced per milligram of precious metal per hour (Table 1 and table S2), giving a maximum rate of 2861 mmol of H2 mg–1 hour–1 when using low loadings of Pt/C. The rate of H2 evolution decays from the initial value in Fig. 3B on account of the process H6[SiW12O40]→H5[SiW12O40] being 80% complete within 30 s for all the Pt/C loadings shown. Hence, in a continuous flow system, it should be possible to achieve rates very similar to the initial rate measured here for as long as the flow of H6[SiW12O40] is maintained (the mediator could then be recycled to the cathode for recharging). Table 1 compares the rate of H2 production by the mediator-based system with that achieved by a selection of state-of-the-art PEMEs from the recent literature (a more extensive supplementary materials (SM sections SI-3 and SI-7).


Next, we examined the purity of the H2 that was produced by this silicotungstic acid–mediated method. GCHA indicated that the level of electrolysis-derived O2 in this H2 was below detectable limits (T0.08%; SM sections SI-4 and SI-6). Moreover, if 10% O2 were deliberately introduced into the headspace of the vessel containing H6[SiW12O40], this extraneous O2 was completely removed by reaction with H6[SiW12O40] (% O2 in the headspace was only 0.04% after 30 min), ultimately producing water and reoxidized mediator (23) and further guaranteeing that the H2 evolved is O2-free (SM section SI-9 and fig. S9). This has obvious implications for electrolyzer safety, because gaseous mixtures of H2 and O2 on the cathode side are now precluded by the reduced mediator’s rapid reaction with O2. This reaction is spontaneous and does not require any precious metal–based recombination catalysts such as those often employed in PEMEs.

As noted earlier, a primary mode of degradation of the perfluorinated membranes used in PEMEs is attack by ROS (12). These ROS form in the presence of O2, H2, and precious metals (including the catalytic recombination layers that are designed to prevent mixtures ofO2 andH2 forming in electrolysis product streams). Moreover, recombination of H2 and O2 is an exothermic process that causes local heating, damaging the membrane through mechanicalmeans; this route is especially prevalent at Pt sites on the cathode (24, 25). The use of a mediator can help to mitigate against membrane degradation in three ways. First, the amount of H2 produced in the electrolyzer itself is vastly diminished, removing the need to purify the O2 product stream and preventing ROS formation on the anode side of the cell. Second, on the cathode side, the reduced mediator reacts rapidly with any O2 present to produce water, and any peroxy species that do form will do so in bulk solution far from the membrane and will themselves rapidly react with reduced mediator to form water (23). Finally, the catalyst is now isolated in a second chamber and is not in contact with the membrane, lessening local heating effects. Hence, using a mediator could potentially allow increased lifetimes for the membranes used in such electrolyzers relative to the life span of similar membranes in PEMEs.

The efficiency of the electrochemical process to produce O2 from water and H6[SiW12O40] from H4[SiW12O40] was calculated and compared to equivalent systems that would produce H2 and O2 directly by electrolysis (SM section SI-7 and fig. S6). In comparison to a system that uses a carbon cathode to reduce protons and a Pt anode to oxidize water, the mediated system was 16% more efficient, with an overall energy efficiency of 63%. A standard electrolysis system for direct O2 and H2 production from water, in which both electrodes are Pt, was found to have an efficiency of 67% [which agrees well with the efficiency of room temperature PEMEs reported in the literature (26)]. Hence, given the potential for lower loadings of precious metal and high initial purity of the product gases when using mediated electrolysis (and other possible techno-economic advantages; SM section SI-12), we believe that such systems will be competitive with PEMEs in terms of cost-efficiency metrics.

The redox reactions of silicotungstic acid are summarized in fig. S10A. Starting from fully reduced H6[SiW12O40], H2 evolution in the presence of a catalyst such as Pt/C is rapid, leading to the one-electron reduced species H5[SiW12O40]. This process can be reversed by electro-reducing H5[SiW12O40] at a carbon cathode. Alternatively, starting from the fully oxidized species H4[SiW12O40], the one-electron reduced species can be accessed either by electrochemical reduction or by reaction with H2 in the presence of a suitable catalyst such as Pt/C (SM section SI-8 and fig. S8). Likewise, if one-electron reduced H5[SiW12O40] is placed in a sealed reaction vessel under Ar in the presence of Pt/C, H2 evolves slowly into the headspace, as gauged by GCHA (fig. S7). This behavior implies that there exists an equilibrium betweenH2 andH4[SiW12O40] on one hand and the one electron reduced mediator (H5[SiW12O40]) on the other in the presence of catalysts such as Pt/C.

Overall faradaic efficiencies for the roundtrip process were gauged by fully reducing a sample of H4[SiW12O40] toH6[SiW12O40] with coulometry. Pt/C was then added to this H6[SiW12O40], and H2 was evolved. At the cessation of spontaneous H2 evolution, an amount of H2 corresponding to 68% of the charge passed in reducing H4[SiW12O40] to H6[SiW12O40] was obtained. In a cyclic system, any one-electron reduced H5[SiW12O40] could simply be returned to the electrolyzer for re-reduction to H6[SiW12O40]. However in this case, once H2 evolution had ceased, the Pt/C catalyst was removed by filtration under Ar, and the resulting Pt-free mediator solution was titrated with an Fe(III) source in order to oxidize all remaining H5[SiW12O40] to colorless H4[SiW12O40] and thus ascertain the amount of H5[SiW12O40] still present at the cessation of H2 evolution (SM section SI-10). This value, when combined with the electrons already accounted for by the amount of H2 evolved, gave a faradaic yield in excess of 98% for the roundtrip H4[SiW12O40] →H6[SiW12O40] → H4[SiW12O40].

The stability of the mediator to several cycles of oxidation and reduction was probed both electrochemically (by comparing the charges passed in oxidizing the reducing the mediator over a series of cycles, SM section SI-13) and by comparing ultraviolet-visible spectra of fresh and cycled samples and of reduced samples that were reoxidized by exposure to air (SM section SI-14). Figure S11A shows that 98% of the charge passed in fully reducing the mediator by one electron could be retrieved by reoxidation over nine full one-electron reduction-oxidation cycles, with no apparent degradation of the mediator. Figure S11B shows the stability of the mediator to four consecutive cycles of reduction to 80% of the maximum for full two-electron reduction, followed by reoxidation to 20% of this maximum. This experiment was designed to mimic the conditions under which the mediator would have to operate in a continuous-flow system. The data in fig. S11B suggest that there is no decay in the amount of charge that can be stored in the mediator (which would signal irreversible decomposition) within these bounds over the number of cycles probed. Similarly, fig. S12, A and B, show that a sample of silicotungstic acid subjected to 20 consecutive two-electron reduction and reoxidation cycles has an ultraviolet-visible spectrum indistinguishable from that of a fresh sample of silicotungstic acid. Taken together, these data suggest that the mediator is stable to redox cycling under these conditions and that H4[SiW12O40] might thus be suitable as a mediator in a continuous-flow system.

Because of the high molecular weight of H4[SiW12O40], it does not constitute an especially effective static storage medium for H2 (or H2 equivalents). Clearly, lower–molecular-weight mediators, or systems capable of storing more electrons, would therefore be at a practical advantage (15), allowing greater buffering capacity to be built into the system and providing more flexibility with regard to the temporal separation of water oxidation and H2 generation. We are currently pursuing the identification of such mediators, and we see great potential for optimized mediator systems to be combined with other recent breakthroughs in catalysis (27, 28) and device design (9, 29), facilitating the use of low-power inputs (or those subject to large fluctuations) in renewables-to-hydrogen conversion.

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This work was supported by the Engineeering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK). L.C. thanks the Royal Society/Wolfson Foundation for a Merit Award. M.D.S. thanks the University of Glasgow for a Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Research Fellowship. We are grateful to J. Liddell (University of Glasgow) for production of the H cells used in this work. Supplementary materials are available, which include full experimental details for electrochemical procedures, GCHA, and catalytic H2 evolution, as well as a movie showing the H2 evolution step (movie S1). The advances presented in the work form part of a patent filing.

Supplementary Text Sections SI-1 to SI-14 Figs. S1 to S12
Tables S1 and S2
References (34–42)
Movie S1
16 June 2014; accepted 6 August 2014

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