Make the Deserts Green!

October 14, 2014

Here’s more evidence, if any is needed, that the world needs to manufacture water in parched deserts far from any coastline to plant and irrigate trees so they can reduce the heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America details how scientists discovered that plants have the ability to absorb approximately 16% more CO2 than previously thought. Apparently higher concentrations of CO2 stimulate plants to grow, increasing their ability to process the gas and produce oxygen as a byproduct.

Comments of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Climate Change at Arequipa, Peru

(Excerpt of his complete remarks)

October 13, 2014

The Security Implications of Climate Change

Today, this region has become one of the most stable in the world.  In many nations of the hemisphere, economies are growing and democracy is flourishing.

But we must be ready to confront emerging and future challenges to ensure this progress marches on.

One of those emerging challenges, environmental security, is a major theme of this week’s conference, and it provides us with an opportunity to discuss the security implications of climate change.

Climate change is a “threat multiplier”…because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we already confront today – from infectious disease to armed insurgencies – and to produce new challenges in the future.

The loss of glaciers will strain water supplies in several areas of our hemisphere.  Destruction and devastation from hurricanes can sow the seeds for instability.  Droughts and crop failures can leave millions of people without any lifeline, and trigger waves of mass migration.

We have already seen these events unfold in other regions of the world, and there are worrying signs that climate change will create serious risks to stability in our own hemisphere.  Two of the worst droughts in the Americas have occurred in the past ten years…droughts that used to occur once a century.

In the Caribbean, sea level rise may claim 1,200 square miles of coastal land in the next 50 years, and some islands may have to be completely evacuated.  According to some estimates, rising temperatures could melt entire glaciers in the Andes, which could have cascading economic and security consequences.

These climate trends will clearly have implications for our militaries.  A higher tempo and intensity of natural disasters could demand more support for our civil authorities, and more humanitarian assistance and relief.  Our coastal installations could be vulnerable to rising shorelines and flooding, and extreme weather could impair our training ranges, supply chains, and critical equipment.  Our militaries’ readiness could be tested, and our capabilities could be stressed.

DoD’s Plan to Address Climate Change Risks

The U.S. Department of Defense takes these risks very seriously, and that is why today we are launching a new Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap.  Building on one of the main themes of this year’s CDMA, this roadmap lays out our plan for confronting the challenges posed by climate change.

This roadmap shows how we are identifying, with tangible and specific metrics, and using the best available science, the effects of climate change on the Department’s missions and responsibilities.  We have nearly completed a baseline survey to assess the vulnerability of our military’s more than 7,000 bases, installations, and other facilities.

Drawing on these assessments, we will integrate climate change considerations into our planning, operations, and training.  Last year, for example, I released the Department of Defense’s Arctic Strategy, which addresses the potential security implications of rapidly melting Arctic ice.

Another Perspective to Secretary John Kerry’s Comments on Climate Change

October 12, 2014

Secretary Kerry is of course correct in his understanding that climate change must be quickly addressed. However, his prescription –clean energy- the equivalent of a vaccine, is not a remedy for the full blown disease our planet is suffering from. No doubt it might have helped 45 or more years ago, before those gazillions of tons of greenhouse gases were nonchalantly dumped into the atmosphere, before killer droughts became commonplace, thousands of species extinct, the ocean acidic, and most certainly before the unacceptable gap in the distribution of income and wealth decimated the American working and middle classes. Now much, much more is required.

Clean energy and solar power are not synonymous; the latter is a subset of the former. More to the point, if the clean energy market is the mother of all markets, then the water market is the father, and the sun is the matchmaker. Here’s why.

Except for desalination in coastal areas, which consumes enormous amounts of energy, all the clean energy in the world including wind, solar, and even nuclear fission, which in fact is anything but clean, will not produce a meaningful amount of fresh water. A clean energy policy by itself does nothing to solve mega droughts anywhere or replenish aquifers in California, Nevada, Arizona or the Great Plains, the nation’s breadbasket. In a nutshell, we are in grave danger of eventually suffering unprecedented losses, not just financially but strategically in terms of our ability to grow our own food. What we do now, or fail to do, will determine the outcome.

Even if a clean energy policy manages to generate and produce enough electricity and water to meet current and future demand, that still does not address the gap in the distribution of income and wealth. Modern technology has made the nineteenth century model of public utilities and electric grids obsolete, and it’s time to recognize and admit that fact.

Stacked solar glass orbs

Stacked solar glass orbs

Any building, even in areas prone to overcast skies could theoretically generate a surplus of electricity. Therefore, over time, large power plants can and should be phased out as described in Plan A to divert profits from utility shareholders to working and middle class borrowers.



First-time buyers

First-time buyers (click to enlarge)



That would help the latter qualify for mortgages, promote large scale construction to relieve the housing shortage that’s keeping prices artificially inflated to the injury of young first-time buyers, create much needed man-jobs and improve the buying power of consumers.







While useful to the domestic economy, clean energy is not an exportable commodity; more specifically, it cannot be directly exported to reduce or perhaps reverse the trade deficit with China. Hydrogen is exportable; when combined with the oxygen in the atmosphere it will produce fresh water anywhere, even in remote deserts far from shore. Hopefully the upcoming meeting in Lima, in the shadow of the majestic Andes, will inspire world leaders to consider the merits of the Andean module of Plan A.

Developed east; undeveloped west

Underdeveloped west, developed east

Any new energy policy should not be east-centric; the western half should be fully developed on par with the east, particularly non-coastal areas as described in Plan A. Only so might it become possible to conquer drought, reverse the trade and federal deficits, and create a new income stream to help reduce the wealth gap.

Secretary John Kerry on Climate Change

October 9, 2014

(Excerpt of his complete remarks)
…the gathering storm that Sir Winston also warned about. And there is no element of that gathering storm more critical than climate change.

Together, both of our countries recognize that never before has a threat like climate change found in its solution such a level of opportunity – the opportunity to unleash the clean-energy economy that will get us out of this mess but also take us forward towards a safer, more sustainable future.

Now I know that climate change to some people can just seem like a very distant, future prospect, maybe even a future challenge. That’s dangerous, falling prey to that perception, because it’s not. And it would be very dangerous to lull ourselves into believing that you can wait with respect to any of the things that we need to do to meet this challenge.

Climate change is already impacting the world in very real and significant ways. This past August was the hottest August the planet has ever seen in recorded history. And each year of the last ten years, a decade, has been measured as being hotter than the last with one or two variations of which year followed which, but as a decade the hottest in our recorded history.

There are now – right now – serious food shortages taking place in places like Central America because regions are battling the worst droughts in decades, not 100-year events in terms of floods, in terms of fires, in terms of droughts – 500-year events, something unheard of in our measurement of weather.

Scientists now predict that with glaciers and melting of the ice at the current rates, the sea could rise now a full meter in this century. A meter might not seem like a whole lot, but let me tell you, think about it just in terms of Boston. It would mean about $100 billion worth of damage to buildings, to emergency costs, and so on.

And thinking about climate change as some distant challenge is dangerous for other reasons too. We still have in our hands a window of opportunity to be able to make the difference. We don’t have to face a future in which we’re unable to talk about anything except adaptation or mitigation, already present in our planning. But the window is closing quickly. That’s not a threat; that’s a fact. If all of us around the world do not move to push back against the current trend line of what is happening in climate change, we will literally lose any chance of staving off this threat.

The good news is that we actually know exactly how to do it. This is not a challenge which has no solution. This is not a challenge that’s out of our reach. The solution is staring us in the face. It’s very simple: clean energy. The solution to climate change is energy policy. And the best news of all is that investing in clean-energy economy doesn’t just mitigate the impacts of climate change and make our communities cleaner and healthier. It actually also reinvigorates our economies and creates millions of good jobs around the world.

Let me just share with you something. We in Massachusetts ought to be particularly tuned into this. In the 1990s, America created more wealth than at any other time in our history, more even than the famous 1920s and ’30s, when people read about the history of the Carnegies and the Mellons and the Rockefellers and the Fricks and so forth. We created greater wealth in the 1990s in America than we did when we had no income tax in the 1920s.

And the truth is that that came about as a $1 trillion market with 1 billion users – remember the one for one – in technology, in personal computers, in communications. And guess what? Every single quintile of income earner in America saw their incomes go up. Everybody did better. Well, the energy market that we are looking at today, in a nation that doesn’t even have a national grid, a nation that has an east coast grid, a west coast grid, a Texas grid, and a line that goes from Chicago out into the west towards Dakotas – that’s it. We have a huge, gaping hole in the middle of America. We can’t take energy from solar thermal in the Four Corners down there by New Mexico and Colorado and California and bring it to the northeast where we need it. We can’t take energy from those wind farms of Minnesota or Wisconsin or Iowa and sell it south, or our wind ultimately from Cape Wind because we don’t have a transmission system.

Guess what? $1 billion of investment in infrastructure is somewhere between 27,000 and 35,000 jobs. And if we were to do what we know we need to do to build the energy future of this country, we’ll put millions of people to work, and here’s the kicker: The market we’re looking at is a $6 trillion market with four to five billion users today, climbing to a potential 9 billion users by the year 2050. It is literally the mother of all markets. Governor Patrick understands that. Massachusetts has understood that. But we have not yet been able to translate that into our national policy.

So once again, I’m proud Massachusetts is setting the trend. Massachusetts is leading by example. And that’s why many in the United States and the UK who are leading by example. And as the governor said, we’re a little behind them in terms of some of the things we ought to be doing, behind Europe in some respects. But in the United States we’re now targeting emissions from transportation and power sources, which are 60 percent of dangerous greenhouse gases. And at the same time, we bumped our solar energy production on a national basis by ten times and we’ve upped our wind energy production on a national basis by more than threefold thanks in large part to facilities just like this one.

So because of the steps that we’re now taking, we’re in a position to put twice as many people to work in the energy sector, nearly double the amount of people currently employed by oil and gas industry. This is the future. It’s already a $10 billion chunk of the Massachusetts economy and growing; 90,000 – almost 100,000 – people employed here in Massachusetts; 6,000 companies statewide are defining this future. And the Massachusetts wind testing center that we’re in now helps ensure that the global wind power industry is deploying the most effective land-based offshore wind turbine technologies to be used around the world.

This is global, what’s happening here, and that’s why Philip Hammond and I wanted to come here today, to underscore not just to Massachusetts but to America and to the world what these possibilities are. And the fact is that there is a lab not unlike this, a Narec blade testing facility in the United Kingdom city of Blyth. So we share this vision in very real ways.

I’d just say to all of you here that people need to feel the pressure from you. You all know what politics is about. I’m not in it now, but I’m dependent on it to help make the right decisions so that we move in the right direction. A clean energy future is not a fantasy. Changing course and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change is not a fantasy. And supporting healthier communities and ecosystems and driving economic growth and job creation – none of that is a fantasy. And for those people who still stand in the way, for those people who even still today want to try to question whether or not their science is effective or not, I’d just ask you – ask a simple question: If we’re wrong about this future, what’s the worst that could happen to us for making these choices?

The worst that could happen to us is we create a whole lot of new jobs, we kick our economies into gear, we have healthier people, healthier children because we have cleaner air, we live up to our environmental responsibility, we become truly energy independent, and our security is stronger and greater and sustainable as a result. That’s the worst that happens to us.

What happens if they’re wrong? (Applause.) If they’re wrong – catastrophe. Life as you know it on Earth ends. Seven degrees increase Fahrenheit, and we can’t sustain crops, water, life under those circumstances.

So I know, with Philip Hammond and I and President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron and a whole bunch of leaders around the world know, we need to go to Lima, Peru this year and we need to push forward on an agreement, and next year in Paris we need to reach an agreement where we live up to our responsibility to future generations and make all the difference in the world.

John Kerry
Secretary of State
Wind Technology Testing Center
Boston, Massachusetts

Debt, Taxes, Banks, And Paper

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

…It is a wise rule and should be fundamental in a government disposed to cherish its credit, and at the same time to restrain the use of it within the limits of its faculties, “never to borrow a dollar without laying a tax in the same instant for paying the interest annually, and the principal within a given term; and to consider that tax as pledged to the creditors on the public faith.” On such a pledge as this, sacredly observed, a government may always command, on a reasonable interest, all the lendable money of their citizens, while the necessity of an equivalent tax is a salutary warning to them and their constituents against oppressions, bankruptcy, and its inevitable consequence, revolution. But the term of redemption must be moderate, and at any rate within the limits of their rightful powers. But what limits, it will be asked, does this prescribe to their powers?  What is to hinder them from creating a perpetual debt? The laws of nature, I answer. The earth belongs to the living, not to the dead. The will and the power of man expire with his life, by nature’s law. Some societies give it an artificial continuance, for the encouragement of industry; some refuse it, as our aboriginal neighbors, whom we call barbarians. The generations of men may be considered as bodies or corporations. Each generation has the usufruct of the earth during the period of its continuance. When it ceases to exist, the usufruct passes on to the succeeding generation, free and unencumbered, and so on, successively, from one generation to another forever. We may consider each generation as a distinct nation, with a right, by the will of its majority, to bind themselves, but none to bind the succeeding generation, more than the inhabitants of another country…

Letter to John Wayles Eppes
Monticello, June 24, 1813

Might Makes Right

             John Locke

John Locke

It having been shown in the foregoing discourse,
1. That Adam had not, either by natural right of fatherhood, or by positive donation from God, any such authority over his children, or dominion over the world, as is pretended:
2. That if he had, his heirs, yet, had no right to it:
3. That if his heirs had, there being no law of nature nor positive law of God that determines which is the right heir in all cases that may arise, the right of succession, and consequently of bearing rule, could not have been certainly determined:
4. That if even that had been determined, yet the knowledge of which is the eldest line of Adam’s posterity, being so long since utterly lost, that in the races of mankind and families of the world, there remains not to one above another, the least pretense to be the eldest house, and to have the right of inheritance:
All these premises having, as I think, been clearly made out, it is impossible that the rulers now on earth should make any benefit, or derive any the least shadow of authority from that, which is held to be the fountain of all power, Adam’s private dominion and paternal jurisdiction; so that he will not give just occasion to think that all government in the world is the product only of force and violence, and that men live together by no other rules but that of beasts, where the strongest carries it, and so lay a foundation for perpetual disorder and mischief, tumult, sedition and rebellion, (things that the followers of that hypothesis so loudly cry out against) must of necessity find out another rise of government, another original of political power, and another way of designing and knowing the persons that have it, than what Sir Robert Filmer hath taught us.

Book II, Chap. I. Sect. 1.

Attack on Paper Money Laws

Thomas PaynePaper money, paper money, and paper money! Is now, in several of the states, both the bubble and the iniquity of the day. That there are some bad people concerned in schemes of this kind cannot be doubted, but the far greater part are misled. People are so bewildered upon the subject that they put and mistake one thing for another. They say paper money has improved the country – paper money carried on the war, and paper money did a great man other fine things.

Not one syllable of this is truth; it is all error from beginning to end. It was CREDIT which did these things, and that credit has failed, by non-performance, and by the country being involved in debt and the levity and instability of government measures.

We have so far mistaken the matter that we have even mistaken the name. The name is not paper money, but Bills of Credit: But it seems as if we are ashamed to use the name, knowing how much we have abused the thing. All emissions of paper for government purposes is not making any money, but making use of credit to run into debt by. It is anticipating or forestalling the revenue of future years, and throwing the burden of redemption on future assemblies. It is like a man mortgaging his estate and leaving his successors to pay it off. But this is not the worst of it, it leaves us at last in the lurch by banishing the hard money, diminishing the value of the revenue, and filling up its place with paper, that may be like something today and tomorrow nothing.

So far as regards Pennsylvania, she cannot emit bills of credit, because the assembly which makes such an emission cannot bind future assemblies either to redeem them or receive them in taxes. The precedent of revoking the charter of the bank, established by a former assembly, is a precedent for any assembly to undo what another has done. It circumscribes the power of any assembly to the year in which it sits; that is, it cannot engage for the performance of anything beyond that time. And as an assembly cannot issue bills of credit and redeem them within the year, and as it cannot by that precedent bind a future assembly so to do, it therefore cannot with the necessary security do it at all; because people will not put confidence in the paper promises or paper emissions of those who can neither perform the engagement within the time their own power exist nor compel the performance after that time is past. The politicians of the project for revoking the bank charter (and it was besides most wantonly done), to use a trite saying, aimed at the pigeon and shot the crew – they fired at the bank and hit their own paper.

As to making those bills what is called legal tenders, we have no such thing in this state, which is one reason they have not depreciated more: But as it is a matter which engrosses the attention of some other states, I shall offer a few remarks on it.

The abuse of any power always operates to call the right of that power in question. To judge of the right or power of any assembly in America to make those bills a legal tender, we must have recourse to the principles on which civil government is founded; for if such an act is not compatible with those principles, the assembly which assumes such a power, assumes a power unknown in civil government, and commits treason against its principles.

The fundamental principles of civil government are security of our rights and persons as freeman, and security of property. A tender law, therefore, cannot stand on the principles of civil government, because it operates to take away a man’s share of civil and natural freedom, and to render property insecure.

If a man had a hundred silver dollars in his possession, as his own property, it would be a strange law that should oblige him to deliver them up to anyone who could discover that he possessed them, and take a hundred paper dollars in exchange. Now the case, in effect, is exactly the same; if he has lent a hundred hard dollars to his friend, and is compelled to take a hundred paper ones for them. The exchange is against his consent, and to his injury, and principles of civil government provides for the protection, and not for the violation of his rights and property. The state, therefore, that is under the operation of such an act, is not in a state of civil government, and consequently the people cannot be bound to obey a law which abets and encourages treason against the first principles on which civil government is founded.

The principles of civil government extend in their operation to compel the exact performance of engagements entered into between man and man. The only kind of legal tenders that can exist in a country under a civil government is the particular thing expressed and specified in those engagements or contracts. That particular thing constitutes the legal tender. If a man engages to sell and deliver a quantity of wheat, he is not to deliver rye, any more that he who contracts to pay in hard money is at liberty to pay in paper or in anything else. Those contracts or bargains have expressed the legal tender on both sides, and no assumed or presumptuous authority of any assembly can dissolve or alter them.

Another branch of this principle of civil government is, that it disowns the practice of retrospective laws. An assembly or legislature cannot punish a man by any new law made after the crime is committed; he can only be punished by the law which existed at the time he committed the crime. This principle of civil government extends to property as well as to life; for a law made after the time that any bargain or contract was entered into between individuals can no more become the law for deciding that contract, than, in the other case, it can become the law for punishing the crime; both of those cases must be referred to the laws existing at the time the crime was done or the bargain made. Each party then knew the relative situation they stood in with each other, and on that law and on that knowledge they acted, and by no other can they be adjudged – Therefore all tender laws which apply to the alteration of past contracts, by making them dischargeable on either side, different to what was the law at the time they were made, is of the same nature as that law which inflicts a punishment: For in all cases of civil government the law must be before the fact.

But was there no illegality in tender laws, they are naturally defective on another consideration. They cannot bind all and every interest in the state, because they cannot bind the state itself. They are, therefore, compulsive where they ought to be free; that is, between man and man, and are naturally free where, if at all, they ought to be compulsive: for in all cases where the state reserves to itself the right of freeing itself, it cannot bind the individual, because the right of the one stands on as good ground as that of the other.

Thomas Paine
Philadelphia, Nov. 3, 1786

Southern Oceans Warmer Than First Thought

The world is warming faster than we thought

October 2014
by Michael Slezak
New Scientist

It’s worse than we thought. Scientists may have hugely underestimated the extent of global warming because temperature readings from southern hemisphere seas were inaccurate.

Comparisons of direct measurements with satellite data and climate models suggest that the oceans of the southern hemisphere have been sucking up more than twice as much of the heat trapped by our excess greenhouse gases than previously calculated. This means we may have underestimated the extent to which our world has been warming.

Link to the complete, original article

Universal Value Standard For All Currencies

Little did President Richard Nixon know, as he announced on television that fateful Friday, August 13th, 1971 the unilateral cancellation of the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold, that within just two generations his own words would epitomize the root cause of the American economy’s predicament:

“But if you are among the overwhelming majority of Americans who buy American-made products in America, your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today.”

Caught in the unrelenting vise of federal overspending, stagflation, and strong Japanese competition, “opening” China, half of a two-pronged solution, seemed logical: (a) (among other reasons) absorb the world’s largest pool of cheap labor and potential future consumers into a captive market for American-owned industry, and (b) enshrine the dollar as the de facto global reserve currency by securing Saudi Arabia’s agreement to price oil exclusively in dollars in return for American protection of the regime.

But things did not quite work out as anticipated. Whether by design or coincidence, the advent of a global economy centered on Chinese manufacturing dissolved the glue that had held the admittedly antagonistic but certainly reliable symbiotic relationship between American big business and organized labor, the former mainstay of American prosperity. Simultaneously, aided by massive western investment, China’s Peaceful Rise turned the tables and transformed the U.S. into a captive market for Chinese-made products.

Slowly, inevitably, well paying man-jobs in the U.S. were replaced with low-paying jobs with fewer and costlier benefits and nonexistent job security in the retail and service sectors.

Labor Participation - Men 2014


The result: a plunging male labor participation rate;






Student Debt



a runaway increase in student debt;








a steep decline in the number of first-time home-buyers and the rate of household formation (almost inversely proportional to student debt),









and a complete lack of new construction of entry-level homes for the working and middle classes. Banks cannot be blamed for their reluctance to lend to these prospective borrowers. Their income is too low relative to the median price of real estate, and job security is virtually non-existent. And why should builders risk building homes for people who cannot afford to buy? Better to buy Treasuries.

The situation is unsustainable and much worse than in 1971. Our infrastructure is crumbling –water pipes, roads, bridges, declining water resources.

                  America’s Trade Deficit With China 1985-2013

Trade With China 1985-2013

Our chronic runaway trade deficit with China, a consequence of disinvestment in America, continues to add exponentially to the already enormous gap in the distribution of wealth;


GDP vs Nat Debt






and the accumulated federal deficit, currently at $17 trillion, is still growing, albeit at a reduced rate.







Nixon’s solution is unavailable as there are no more untapped markets to absorb, and perpetual economic growth in a finite planet is unrealistic and unsustainable. As for oil, at once a finite asset and a major contributing factor to climate change that does nothing to solve the growing global water crisis and the yawning gap in the distribution of wealth, it can no longer be counted on to perpetuate the dollar’s hegemony.

The dollar’s current strength relative to the euro and the pound is due largely to European internal problems.







However its value relative to the yuan/renmibi is another matter, a reflection of two things: (a) other countries can use the Yuan to buy anything made in China, which is almost everything, and (b) China’s dwindling need or appetite for dollars.




Incidentally, China does not benefit from a decline in America’s purchasing power –its best client. The dollar’s situation is a direct consequence of the actions or inaction, as the case may be, of our elected officials. It means they can fix it.

The U.S., and indeed the world cannot at once depend on oil for economic/financial reasons and repudiate it to combat climate change. Therefore, the dollar’s incipient transition is also a perfect opportunity to usher in, gradually and imperceptibly, a new world order designed to address the needs of the vast majority of people, not just a tiny minority. Given today’s weapons, there’s no real alternative.

Today’s population is 7 billion, projected to increase to 9 billion by 2050. Unless one believes that most will meekly accept a life of abject poverty, each and every one will require some wealth. Here’s the problem. Since time immemorial mankind has used finite materials such as gold, silver, and more recently, otherwise worthless paper as fiat money. One of the reasons for Nixon’s Shock was that there is not enough gold to support the global economy. Accordingly, what’s needed is a sufficiently abundant, recyclable value standard that, over time, with effort and adequate investment will yield enough income to support everyone, promote trade, back all currencies, and end the production of greenhouse gases.

The obvious answer is hydrogen or solar-generated electricity specifically earmarked for the production of hydrogen (for landlocked countries), or both. The world is literally awash with it. However one does not just go to the beach to fill a container with seawater and expect hydrogen to materialize. It requires a profitable, viable scheme, technology, currently in its infancy, and time. But it has advantages that no other element or compound can match.

  • It’s fully recyclable. We’ll never run out of it.
  • Its byproduct is pure water, the obvious solution to the global water crisis and the only way to manufacture water to irrigate deserts, expand the production of food, and plant trees to help recycle the excess carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere.
  • It’s nature’s battery; its potency does not decline when stored.
  • There’s enough of it to replace nuclear and fossil fuels to generate all the electricity we’ll require for the foreseeable future.
  • Production can be quantified and tracked. No nation would be able to claim higher than actual production figures and use them to boost or diminish the value of its currency.
  • It’s an equalizer of wealth. Smaller nations would be able to produce as much as they can to help meet the needs of more populous countries. They would be able to trade on equal terms for the benefit of all.

The time to give this thoughtful consideration and begin discussions is now, while it’s still possible to do so imperceptibly and seamlessly; that is, assuming we really want to avoid unnecessary wars, hot or cold, and make headway with climate change for the benefit of future generations.

New Solar Tracking System Improves Production by 22 to 28%

Mass Megawatts recently announced the company’s entry into the $12 billion, US solar power market with the development of a new solar tracking technology that significantly increases the level of energy produced by solar power systems. This innovative design, combined with substantial government incentives, has created an unprecedented opportunity for residential and commercial electric users.

The patent pending, Mass Megawatts ‘Solar Tracking System’ (STS) is a complete solar power system that’s designed to continually adjust the position of solar panels to receive the optimal level of direct sunlight throughout the day. Unlike other solar tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts STS utilizes a low-cost structure that adds stability to the overall system while improving solar energy production by 22 to 28%.

In addition, substantial federal, state, and local incentives are available that can significantly reduce the total cost of a solar power investment. With these favorable government incentives, a large percentage of capital costs can be recouped in the first year of service, and can exceed 50% of total investment expenditures. Combined with the ongoing energy savings and revenue from the STS, an excellent return on investment can be realized with payback projected to occur within the third year for many customers.

Starting at 5 kW rated units, a Mass Megawatts STS system is appropriate for home and small business locations, and can be scaled to meet capacity requirements at commercial installations. Mass Megawatts coordinates all aspects of system delivery, including permitting, installation, and working to obtain any available tax incentives. They monitor the performance of each system, and provide a full, performance guarantee.

Original article

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