The Environment Encyclical

June 18, 2015

His Holiness the Pope does not need to be defended by anyone for his ground-breaking encyclical. But a few t’s need to be crossed and some i’s dotted.

Firstly, as head of state -the Vatican is a sovereign state- he is entitled to speak out on behalf of his constituents, who, as it happens, are spread out in a global diaspora. So he is not politicizing his faith; his faith is his policy, and his Constitution, Scripture.

Secondly, it’s not surprising that he chooses to defend the poor. All major religions do that -unsuccessfully, it should be noted, for extreme inequality throughout the world is the norm, not the exception. The difference is that, not being encumbered with the need to raise money for reelection bids, he is free to speak his mind.

Thirdly, the Pope is indeed not an environmental expert, as some seeking shelter from their own conscience have readily pointed out. But neither are other heads of state. They all rely on advisers who are to help them make decisions that affect everyone else on Earth.

Fourthly, he speaks the truth. Except for those who would rather be rich on a dying planet, almost everyone else understands that -second only to pride, unfathomable greed and insatiable lust for power- global warming threatens the lives of thousands of species of plants and animals, including our own. Unchecked, drought will inevitably lead to a collapse in the production of food just when the world’s population is expected to balloon to 9 thousand million. As for poverty, the widening gap in the distribution of income and wealth has also been identified by experts as a clear menace.

Finally, by elevating the issue to the realm of morality just when the presidential hopefuls are gearing up for what is expected to be the most expensive campaign ever, the Pope has in effect injected a new norm to assist voters decide who they should vote for. Given the changing demographics and the Pope’s immense popularity within the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S., this should not to be simply shrugged off.

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